View Contracts and Shipment Status
Effortlessly track the status of contracts and shipments in real-time. No more guessing games. You have instant access to critical information, ensuring smooth operations and timely deliveries for all your shipments.
Filter Your View
The new filters feature lets you customize your view so you only see those contracts important to you. You can filter by Buyer Contact, Product, Mode, and Origin.
Receive Shipment Notifications
Never miss a beat with KochView’s automatic shipment notifications. You receive timely updates throughout the entire delivery journey, from pick-up to drop-off.
Track Loads in Transit
You can easily track your loads in transit for Koch-owned facilities, whether shipping truck or rail. Real-time tracking means greater peace of mind and always knowing where a load is.
Share Shipment Updates
Collaboration made simple. KochView allows customers to effortlessly share real-time shipment updates with all relevant parties with the tap of a button. Enhance communication, build trust and foster stronger business relationships
with every update shared.
Initiate Truck Delivery Requests
With only a few taps straight from the KochView app, customers can submit a request for delivery while on-the-go. Our streamlined process gets your shipments moving faster, saving you valuable time and effort.