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August 16, 2021

2021 Intern Experience

KF interns and their supervisors share their favorite things about the summer internship experience.

This summer, we were fortunate to have several interns working for Koch Fertilizer in various locations and roles. As they wrapped up their summer and headed back to school, we thanked them for their hard work and asked about their internship experience. Here is what they had to say about their internship:

“I am so thankful for my opportunity to work as a reliability engineering intern this summer at Koch Fertilizer. Being a part of a sitewide turnaround and working alongside experienced engineers has been an invaluable and rewarding experience. I would like to extend a huge thank you to Koch and the Enid team for constantly sharing knowledge, as well as making each day an exciting new challenge.” 
Jackson Ness, reliability engineer intern, KF Enid

“I enjoyed being part of Koch’s internship program this year! I loved having responsibility over our ATS rail fleet in Minnesota and being trusted to create value for the company without someone constantly looking over my shoulder. The team was extremely supportive, and I not only learned my role as a logistics planner but also what it means to be a business professional working with a team. I’m excited to use these skills moving forward in the positions and teams I find myself in.” 
Drew Childs, logistics planning intern, KF Wichita

“This summer was indeed an experience of a lifetime!! On top of expanding my knowledge on rotating equipment, I had the unique opportunity and freedom to explore many facets of the fertilizer industry by shadowing different departments within the plant as well as traveling to Enid to learn during their turnaround. However, my favorite part of the internship was the people who work for Koch and the contractors Koch employs. It is hard to describe the impact these people had on me as an engineer and a person. This is a special place, and I am grateful to have spent a summer here.”
 Klaire Irwin, reliability engineering intern, KF Fort Dodge

“I really enjoyed my summer working at such a big company and meeting great people. If only I had a bit more time so I can learn more. I really enjoy the atmosphere of the plant. My favorite thing about the internship was that there was always something new to do and learn every day.” 
Jorge Inguanzo, instrument tech intern, KF Enid

“My favorite thing about the internship this summer has been the continuous opportunities for learning and growth. Additionally, I enjoyed the opportunity to travel to the Enid fertilizer production facility as well as the Conway ammonia terminal to better connect with how our facilities are run. My favorite project was working with Koch Fertilizer Canada to update and complete their truck routing sheet with Alteryx. Overall, I’m very thankful to Koch for welcoming me and investing in my development over the past 12 weeks!” 
Garrett Gunnerson, analyst intern, KF Wichita

“Through my time working with KAES, I succeeded in ways I never thought possible. This is thanks to Koch’s commitment to personal and professional growth. I was able to take ownership of important projects and see them through to their completion and implementation. None of this would have been possible without the help of the talented people I work with. The vast networks of knowledge available to me really allowed me to excel and have an unforgettable summer experience.” 
Raymond Nellis, process engineering intern, KF Dodge City

"I think the amazing experience I have had here in Enid can be fully attributed to the people. Every employee has been helpful and happy to answer any questions I had. I really felt like my projects impacted the plant and will hopefully help future optimization.”
Matthew Coplen, process engineering intern, KF Enid

“In the last 3 months, I acquired an immense knowledge on various manufacturing and mechanical engineering aspects, ranging from valves to million-dollar turbine rotor systems. My favorite things about the internship include the wide variety of mechanical aptitude, the range of project exposure, and the amazing work ethic and culture that exists here, which really allows me to integrate with the team efficiently and execute the necessary work in a timely and systematic fashion.” 
Meher Meethal, mechanical engineering intern, KF Canada

Intern Supervisor Experience 

The internship experience not only impacts the students, but also our employees who serve as their supervisors and guide them throughout their time with Koch Fertilizer. We asked our intern supervisors to reflect on their experience and share advice for our interns. Here’s what they had to say:

“I enjoyed the experience of working with an intern for the summer. It was a very humbling experience — all the great questions asked that I did not have answers for made me realize I still have a lot left to learn. He was eager and willing to get involved with various projects from pump failure analysis to documenting torque values on the compressor decks during turnaround. Jackson even switched from working days to working nights with me the last 2-3 weeks of turnaround, which was greatly appreciated. The advice I would offer is to continue to challenge yourself. Remember to enjoy the journey because that is the fun part, it is not the destination. The journey is where experience and knowledge are gained.” 
Shelby Weber, reliability engineer, KF Enid

“Being an intern supervisor this summer was a great opportunity to explore a supervising role and gain more experience around coaching and mentoring. I enjoyed getting to know Garrett, and found it fulfilling to watch his confidence and skillset grow over the summer. Best of luck, Garrett, in your last year of school!” 
Krysten Bos, scheduler, KF Wichita

“The experience has been rewarding and I have sharpened my own technical and soft skills during the training process. Meher has been impressive in his ability to learn new things and ask questions regularly. He has shown great performance in both talent and virtues.” 
Jeewana Dasanayake, reliability engineer, KF Canada

“My experience as an intern supervisor has been phenomenal! Similar to all the growth and development that interns experience, I’ve been able to grow and learn a tremendous amount as well being a first-time supervisor. I’ve learned it is important to understand every intern, just like us, ticks different so taking the time to understand them helps us place interns where they can perform at their natural best, which in turn helps interns develop confidence in their roles. As supervisors, we need to make sure during the short time they are with us we expose them to different areas across the company, as this allows them to learn areas they enjoy and identify areas that might not be the best fit. My advice to interns would be to enjoy every moment, continue learning and building relationships, celebrate the little wins, and most importantly have fun.” 
Efren Frayre, planner, KF Wichita