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February 25, 2020

KF Beatrice Earns ENERGY STAR Certification

The Koch Fertilizer plant in Beatrice, Nebraska has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) prestigious ENERGY STAR certification for superior energy performance.

Koch Fertilizer Beatrice Earns EPA ENERGY STAR Certification

BEATRICE, Neb. – The Koch Fertilizer plant in Beatrice, Nebraska has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) prestigious ENERGY STAR certification for superior energy performance.

As one of the first fertilizer plants to receive this award, the certification recognizes Beatrice for performing in the top 25 percent of nitrogenous fertilizer production plants in the U.S. for energy efficiency when compared against the Energy Star benchmark.

“We are proud to be recognized among the most energy-efficient ammonia producing facilities in the U.S.,” said Phil Tasset, Koch Fertilizer Beatrice plant manager. “We recognize the financial and societal benefits from continuously improving our plant operations, including process improvements to reduce energy consumption. Our employees identify and pursue opportunities to create value for our customers, society and the company.”

To earn the certification, fertilizer plants enter key plant operating data and annual energy data into industry-specific energy management tools called ENERGY STAR Energy Performance Indicators that benchmarks a plant’s energy performance against the industry.

The ENERGY STAR certification indicates the fertilizer plant uses energy more efficiently than 75 percent of similar nitrogenous plants in the U.S. This means the Koch Fertilizer Beatrice plant spends less on energy and has lower energy-related environmental impacts than similar plants. Additionally, all plants awarded ENERGY STAR certification must be energy performance verified and in good standing with federal environmental laws.

“Improving the energy efficiency of our nation’s industrial facilities is critical to protecting our environment,” said Jean Lupinacci, Chief of the ENERGY STAR Commercial & Industrial Branch. “From the plant floor to the board room, organizations are leading the way by making their facilities more efficient and earning EPA’s ENERGY STAR certification.”

This certification builds on Koch Industries commitment to responsible corporate stewardship. Koch Fertilizer joins other Koch businesses earning ENERGY STAR recognition, including Flint Hills Resources and Georgia Pacific. Additionally, in 2017, Koch Industries earned the ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year Award.