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Guided by a vision of mutual benefit.

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Guided by a vision of mutual benefit.

Governance Priorities

We are guided by a long-term vision of creating more value for partners through virtuous cycles of mutual benefit. In our business, being good stewards starts with acting with the proper regard for the rights of others, as well as complying with laws and regulations. Practicing stewardship and acting with integrity are how we support our employees, protect our environment and invest in our communities – today and into the future.

Koch Fertilizer companies are guided by the Vision of creating more value for others through virtuous cycles of mutual benefit. Everything we do is grounded in our Principle-Based Management® philosophy and Guiding Principles.

Read Koch's Vision

Read Our Guiding Principles


Koch Fertilizer has robust compliance standards and risk management systems. The Global Code of Conduct, and the training on the Code that all employees receive, articulates expectations for every employee regardless of role. Employees and third parties are given several channels for raising issues and concerns without retaliation and are expected to “stop, think, and ask.”

Read our Code of Conduct

Because it is privately held, Koch Fertilizer is better able to make decisions and take actions that create real and lasting value. We are not constrained by quarterly or short-term demands, such as earnings or share price targets. Instead, we focus on long-term value creation.

Audit and self-assessment results, incident tracking, investigations, and knowledge sharing are just some of the tools we use to learn and improve our performance. There is board-level oversight of our audit and assurance programs.

Koch Fertilizer is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Koch, Inc. Koch's board members are employees and major shareholders with a variety of different perspectives, aptitudes, skills, knowledge, experiences, and backgrounds.

Koch's use of debt is prudent. Koch has financial standards and controls to guide our companies and employees regarding performance expectations. Shareholders consistently reinvest 90% of earnings back into the company – a practice which funds experiments, innovations, and opportunities for employees to create ever greater benefits for society.

Koch openly and proactively communicates with customers, employees, and other constituents about our principles and EHS performance.